Partimus is on call to help maintain a 30+ computer lab at the Ascend School running Ubuntu GNU/Linux. The lab was started by Robert Litt, a teacher at the school who also maintains two blogs as his teaching platforms which use open source software:
Re-engineered the ASCEND lab to run a "lightweight" variant of Ubuntu on the Desktop lubuntu. Our partner educator, Oakland school teacher, Francisco Nieto, who took over the ASCEND lab in 2012 particularly appreciated using iTalc for classroom lab node management.
2011-2012 2010-2011Testimonials
"At my Oakland public school we help close the digital divide daily, and could not do without the help of Partimus. We teach technology to 4th through 8th grade on recycled computers that run on open source software. Why? Because there is no funding and we would not be able to do this if we didn't. Partimus volunteers James Howard and Grant Bowman maintain a server in my classroom that installs Ubuntu Linux and Open Office over the network to all my computers whenever I need. With this we maintain a lab at no cost with the most up to date software to teach our children." - Robert Litt, Technology Coordinator, ASCEND
Computer Lab
Photos from Robert Litt of Ascend School, more photos at: