Current Projects
Support for labs in low-income housing facilities in San Francisco run by ECS San Francisco.
Follow updates to these systems on Twitter and more formal, less frequent, updates on our blog:
- Our latest work with ECS - July 2016
- Linux computers for a low-income residence - October 2015
Past Projects in Bay Area Public Schools
- KIPP San Francisco Bay Academy, San Francisco
- ASCEND Charter, Oakland
- Creative Arts Charter School, San Francisco
- Mission Beacon, San Francisco
- Precita Valley Community Center, San Francisco
- International Studies Academy, San Francisco
- Prescott School, Oakland
- Hayes Valley Learning Center (In conjuction with SFLUG)
With a reduction in work with local schools, work begins with ECS SF to put computer labs in low-income housing facilities in San Francisco to support adult learning.
Focused our efforts on helping deploy laptops at Creative Arts Charter School for San Francisco teacher Maria Jenerik. Partimus also helped Marin Computer Resource Center place hundreds of Ubuntu desktops with other great 501(c)(3)'s and needy individuals. Partimus consulted with Francisco Nieto of ASCEND Charter in Oakland.
Expanded our reach into 2 Oakland public schools.
Managed labs and classroom PC's at KIPP Academy and Creative Arts Charter School.
Built, installed, tested, and shipped 30 desktops to an elementary school in Huajuapan de Leon, Mexico. The school selected is on the outskirts of town and quite poor. The school is poor enough that they did not even have a working phone, but now they are working to get an internet connection. To create the computer lab, the parents and teachers all chipped in. This year's shipments gave them the computers they need to stock the lab.
We are thrilled to be able to send the students in Huajuapan the hardware that will enable them to expand their skills. All of the computers will be installed with free and open source software. Once the internet connection is available, we hope the students will be able to keep in touch with other students around the world and with their parents in the United States. Nearly every child in the school has at least one parent absent, working in the States. This computer lab will help not only with the students education but will also help families stay close to each other.
Partimus partnered with several organizations. The Huajuapan project was made possible through the fundraising efforts of kidsoncomputers.org The computers were stored, assembled, and tested in the donated space of zareason.com who also processed the shipments to the school in Huajuapan.
Partimus raised funds and received hardware donations for sufficient memory sticks for the computers. Approximately 27 Partimus volunteers contributed 150 hours of their time to build, install, test, and prepare the computers for shipment.
Installed 51 stand-alone Linux machines at two schools. Additionally installed a 31-seat Linux computer network at one of those schools. We are currently supporting and maintaining all Linux machines at both schools.
Also currently supporting the Technology Transfer Program to supply computer hardware and technical assistance to schools in Latin America. This program meets several needs:
- Making wise use of existing hardware, reducing e-waste
- Supplying children and teachers with technology they use for lessons, homework, and research
- Easing the divide between those who can afford technology and those who can not
Please join others in making a donation to support this effort.
Partimus staff members donated volunteer hours restocking a school lab in the Bay area with computers that could meet the specifications of administration, educators, and students.
Won a grant from the Anita Borg Foundation to acquire and supply five computers to an all-girls after-school mathematics club for 5th graders run by CEMELA (Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinas/os). The school which hosts the math club is 90% Lantina/o, over 95% of the students qualify for free or reduced lunch and 26% of the students are classified as English Language Learners (ELL).
The girls receiving the computers were graduating to middle school the following year, and had been assigned to a science, engineering and technology magnet school. The CEMELA staff felt that the girls would deeply benefit from being able to integrate technology with their homework and their daily lives. Having their very own computers with which to work, learn, and experiment provided each girl a valuable resource that could help shape their future.
Researched possibilities for supporting OLPC's efforts in building the XO. Our original goal was to generate software development appropriate to various cultures. After an in-depth study, we determined that our resources would be better used to help provide hardware to local disadvantaged schools and children.
Shipped five computers to the Computers-4-Kids organization in Austin, Texas. The project was an effort to balance out a discrepancy that was causing social humiliation for students who did not have computers at home. The school required that student's papers often be typed and printed, but there were children within the district who had no computer at home and little access to the computers at the library which were often full or non-functional. Partimus assisted by acquiring computers from ACCRC and shipping them to Computers-4-Kids who then donated and set up the computers in the children's homes.
International Projects
Details coming soon.